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Brain Journal #1

A mildly productive day considering it's a Sunday.

I am starting this new "Brain Journal" series as a way to have regular open stand-ups of sorts, only they will be in written format.

I imagine these posts will be profoundly helpful when I someday want to look back on what I did and/or contemplated doing on a particular day. And by definition, this is what journals are meant to do.

Builddollar Project

Recently I came up with a new type of digital currency which I'm calling "generative currency" — for categorizing purposes. Project-wise, I am naming the project Builddollar.

As with almost all of my projects, I went ahead and bought a domain for it. I'll publish it as soon as the initial edition of the website goes live, because right now the domain will just serve a broken link.

Financially, I plan on applying for a fintech grant to support the prototype development. For said application, I am in the process of preparing a pitch deck.

Today saw me drafting up the executive summary. Many more edits to come.

Client Project

A little bit of progress made. What I like about this full-stack MERN project is that I'll get to work on so many spin-offs when it's done.

But first, deliverables.

World's Largest Gesture-Controlled Computer (Vlogumentary)

Last month our team launched the first version of an immersive system. I am dubbing it the "World's Largest Gesture-Controlled Computer," and am in the middle of producing a vlogumentary for it.

All the planned footage has either been shot or gathered. As per usual with vlogging, it's the video editing part that has yet to be finished.

I managed to edit a teensy little bit of the vlog (approximately the first 10 seconds of it, I think). Because this is such a low priority thing on my plate, I am reluctant to give even a rough estimate as to when the final product will go out.

3x3 Cubing

Broke my own record today. Best solve time yet = 1:33.01